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How to Find the Correct Gi Size for Brazilian Jiu Jitsu (Ultimate BJJ Sizing Guide)

To find your correct gi size you should take your measurements, review the brand’s gi size chart, and, if needed, reach out to the manufacturer directly to confirm sizing. If you are in between sizes you should buy the larger size since you can always shrink it by washing in hot water and putting it in dryer or having it tailored.

Read More about How to Find the Correct Gi Size for Brazilian Jiu Jitsu (Ultimate BJJ Sizing Guide)

What Are the Different Weave Types for BJJ Gis? And Which One Is Best?

There are four main weave types that are used for BJJ (Brazilian jiu jitsu) gis. They are single weave, double weave, gold weave, and pearl weave. Single weave is more affordable and light weight, double weave is heavier and used more for judo gis. Gold weave is used more in traditional gis and is prone to shrinking. Pearl weave is the most common weave type used in modern gis and is a good balance of comfort and durability.

Read More about What Are the Different Weave Types for BJJ Gis? And Which One Is Best?

Does The Color Of Your Gi Matter in BJJ? (Gi Colors Explained)

No, gi colors in BJJ do not matter. Gi colors do not represent anything special aside from personal preference. The only time you have to worry about your gi color is if your gym requires you to wear a specific gi or if you are signing up for a bjj competition that requires a certain color.

Read More about Does The Color Of Your Gi Matter in BJJ? (Gi Colors Explained)