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BJJ White Belt Tips (Over 40 Tips for Beginners)

white belt tips

Looking for some BJJ white belt tips? Well, you’ve come to the right place…

BJJ White Belt – Top 5 Tips

  1. Set small goals for each class
  2. Break any grips immediately
  3. You don’t have to be stuck on bottom – you can always stand up and wrestle
  4. Purposefully, put yourself in bad spots when sparring against people less experienced – this is how you learn escapes
  5. From bottom position Half Guard / Side control – just don’t let them grab your head

(if you get nothing else from this post please consider these above tips – these alone will help your jiu jitsu a ton)

White Belt Tips

General Tips

1.Don’t Worry About Learning and Retaining Everything

If you just started jiu jitsu recently. Do not stress yourself about not being able to remember the things discussed from the previous class. 

Actually, studies show that when learning a new hobby or sport, people generally only retain ~30% of the new information. 

So don’t stress about trying to learn and retain everything. Allow yourself to be immersed and experience the sport fully. Everything will come along, the more you train. Therefore, focus on the bigger picture. 

 2. Be Okay With Your Experience Level

Be open and okay with your experience level. Everybody needs to start somewhere, right?

Don’t be embarrassed or scared for your first couple days – be friendly and open with everyone about your experience and I guarantee you, everyone will be just as friendly. 

Issues in the initial days of BJJ usually arise when someone new shows up to their first class with an ego – this isn’t the way. 

Trust us when we say, BJJ will surely crush your ego during the beginning. But this is something that you will overcome and lose along the way. The more you train and be with your team, the greater understanding you will have about the sport and the way of life it entails. 

3. Set Small and Large Goals for Yourself

Just like in life, it is also good to set small and big goals on the mats. This will allow you to envision what you want to become as a BJJ practitioner. 

If you look at the small goals you have, you can actually see that these are things that will eventually allow you to achieve the bigger goals you have. 

You may start by setting a small goal, like being able to perform a certain submission that you have been dying to learn and try. From here, you will never know, this attack can help you achieve your large goal of becoming a world champion. 

4. Consider Taking Notes Before and After Class

Try and consider taking notes before and after classes. This can help improve your recall and allow you to keep track of things as you progress. 

So before classes, write down the things you watched on videos that you want to learn or drill during class

Then for after class, try to recall everything that happened during training.

You can jot down the details of the technique that was taught during class, and some of the key areas that you have to improve in and how you will be able to do so.

Additionally, you can even write reflections and other positions or techniques that came up during sparring.

5. Consider Training at Home

If you have time to spare, consider training at home. 

You can work on some solo drills to improve your movements like: 

  • Shrimping
  • Bridging
  • Reverse Shrimping
  • Others 

 6. Utilize Online BJJ Resources such as BJJ Instructional

Due to having the internet, we now have unlimited BJJ resources from different media like blogs and videos. 

You can opt to learn from online BJJ resources that provide BJJ instructionals. This can help you learn more about different techniques and movements that can improve your game play. 

Moreover, you get to choose what suits your type of learning. You can watch videos on Youtube or subscribe to online training. Also, you can read blog posts, just like what we have here at HeavyBJJ.

 7. Consider How You Learn Best and Optimize Your Training for It

Know the type of learning that you have and thrive on that. Attend classes, and find other ways on how you can improve better by finding the best way for you to learn. 

Some prefer watching videos about the technique taught. Meanwhile, there are some who like writing about it so that they can remember and be more familiar. While others, prefer to keep on trying and repeating the movements with a training partner or grappling dummy.

8. Create a BJJ Game Plan

It is always good to create a great plan. This way, you get to lay out and choose the positions or submissions that you would like to focus on during training. 

Moreover, you will get to map out and notice the growth you have over the next couple of weeks, months or even years. 

This can also serve as a guide once you start helping out newer BJJ practitioners as you level up in ranks. 

 9. Learn the Basics of Jiu Jitsu

As a white belt, it is important to learn the basics of BJJ. This means, starting with some of the most common movements that will help you out like shrimping and bridging. From here, you will learn some of the basic attacks and escapes.

Learning the basics and principles will be something that will allow you to become the best version of yourself on the mats.

10. Practice and Learn How to Tie a Jiu Jitsu Belt

You probably bought your first Gi already and belt. Now, the next thing you must do is to learn how to tie your belt. 

Do know that there are different variations on how to tie your belt. Most schools do not require a certain technique. Therefore, if this is the case, choose the one that you are most comfortable in. 

Find a way to tie your belt that you feel comfortable and secured in. After all, your belt is part of you, once you are on the mats.

11. Consider Doing Complimentary Training

Compliment your BJJ by adding different types of body training. This can include some weight lifting or some cardiovascular activities like sprinting. 

These other forms of body training will give you positive effects when you roll on the mats. With weight lifting, your pressure and muscle density will increase, thus controlling your opponent can be easier. Now, for cardiovascular activities, you will most likely not get tired easily. 

12. When Learning a New Technique First Drill It Against a Willing Partner then Against a Slightly Resisting Partner then a Fully Resisting One

Of course, there are new techniques being taught every time. There are even some that you probably saw on a video or from someone else on the mats. 

But one of the best ways to learn these skills is by practicing with a live training partner. You can start with a willing partner, who will allow you to see the process. From here, you can try with a slightly resting partner, for you to be able to see the things you may have to tweak. 

Lastly, work on it with a fully resisting partner. This will allow you to fully experience the technique and know what it will be like to apply it during open mats or a competition. 

13. Take Time of Training When Your Body Needs It

Out of everyone, you know your body the most. If you are not feeling well, or your body feels like it needs to rest, then allow it. 

Moreover, if you force yourself to train even though you are not feeling your best is bad. This is due to the fact that you might be at higher risk for injuries. 

Giving your body the time off training will give it the chance to be at its best disposition again.

14. Don’t Talk About Who You Submitted During Practice

Do not talk about who you submitted during practice is one of the unwritten rules but shows proper decorum and manners on and off the mats. 

What you should be looking to talk about is the techniques and strategies that you learned from the mats that allowed you to get to your opening or submission. 

Moreover, these are your teammates and you are not in a competition. These people are here to help you improve your game. 

15. You Won’t Improve Linearly

Expect that you will still get submitted by higher ranks, or at least find yourself in difficult positions and situations that you have to escape. 

Although these things are still happening, know that you are continuously improving. You are actually improving whether you notice or not. 

Your teammates and coaches will definitely be the ones who will notice this the most. Moreover, the more you train, the more your body will be familiar with movements and know how to naturally react to situations.

 16. Don’t Compare Your Progress to Others

Never compare yourself to others. Each and everyone has their own BJJ journey. Some may learn some techniques faster than you, or be able to level up in ranks faster but this does not mean you are incapable. 

This just shows that there are still things that you have to constantly learn and work on as you improve more as you train. 

Always be kind to yourself. You are your own competition, and you must always strive to be better than last training each time you show up on the mats. 

17. Be Patient and Enjoy the Little Wins

Always be patient and enjoy the little wins each time. Good things, take time. No one becomes good at BJJ overnight.

You are improving and there is always progress every time you train. You may not notice it, but others will. 

If you are able to demonstrate or apply a certain technique that you have been practicing for some time, then good job! 

Never fail to recognize your developing skills. Well, these are small validations that your hard work is slowly paying off. 

18. Plan to Do a Specific Technique or Two in Each Class

Practice and practice, until the technique becomes something natural to you already. Allow yourself to immerse in the sport by planning and working on a specific technique or two during class. 

Aside from the lesson of the day, try to apply your choice of technique during the class. This way, you get to improve and master your skills. 

In addition to that, the more you focus on a certain technique, the more familiar you become to it. Therefore, it will be easy for you to realize if there are openings for you.

19. Respect Everyone and Be Friendly

One of the core values of martial arts is respect. Treating your professor, coaches, team mates and other competitors is essential. 

Another thing encouraged in the sport as a white belt, or any other rank is to be friendly. The relations you build with those around you will go a long way. These people will be there to support and help you improve throughout your journey. 

20. Embrace the Journey

Enjoy every moment about Jiu Jitsu. Jiu jitsu is something you will learn and love as you go along. 

Embrace the journey. The ups and downs will build you up not only as a grappler but as a person as well. 

Each and every time you will become better than the last time. Know that your own competition is yourself. 

Enjoy the company and the opportunity to learn from other practitioners. These things will be with you as you level up in ranks.

Lastly, trust the process. Things may not seem like they are progressing, but to others who get to roll with you, they know. They see how much you are improving as an individual. 

21. Make It a Point to Drill and Learn Takedowns Safely Early in Your Jiu-Jitsu Journey

Takedowns are an essential aspect of BJJ that should not be neglected. Ensure you learn and practice takedowns safely and effectively from the beginning. This will not only enhance your overall grappling game but also help you avoid injuries.

22. Focus on Guard Retention

Guard retention is a crucial skill to develop early on in your BJJ journey. A strong guard can be the difference between maintaining a dominant position or getting passed and dominated by your opponent. Invest time in improving your guard retention and make it a priority in your training.

23. Practice Good Hygiene

Good hygiene is essential for maintaining a healthy training environment. Shower before and after class, cut your nails, and ensure your training gear is clean. This shows respect for your training partners and helps prevent the spread of bacteria and skin infections.

24. Use Drilling and Repetition to Learn Techniques

Drilling and repetition are crucial for internalizing techniques and developing muscle memory. Allocate time in your training schedule to drill techniques consistently and with focus.

25. Be Humble and Don’t Brag About Your Rolls

It’s essential to stay humble and focus on your personal growth rather than boasting about your achievements. Bragging about your rolls can create tension and negativity within the gym.

26. Practice and Get Good at Escapes

Escapes are a fundamental skill in BJJ, as they help you survive and regain control when in disadvantageous positions. Dedicate time to practicing and refining your escape techniques.

27. Be a Good Drilling Partner and React Realistically

Being a good drilling partner means providing realistic reactions without excessive resistance. This helps both you and your partner to learn and understand techniques more effectively.

28. Considering Competing at ~ 6 months in

I know it may seem early, but I strongly recommend competing in jiu jitsu sooner rather than later and especially as a white belt. I know it may be scary but the more competitions you do the more comfortable you will be. Plus competing skyrockets your skill.

29. Go to Open Mats

Another tip you should consider is going to open mats at other gyms. This will expose you to a bunch of more training styles and techniques that you wouldn’t be exposed to with just weekly training sessions at your gym.

Plus a lot of these open mats are free at other gyms. I know for me there are some gyms nearby that hold free open mats on Sunday.

30. Using a Journal or Log Book

If you are the studious type, you may want to start using a journal or log book and even recording your sparring sessions. This will help you immensely with learning when off the mat by reflecting on what you’ve learned

Tips for Sparring in BJJ

1.Try to Slow Down

Do not rush! If you are new to BJJ, know that it is not always about exploding. Get a gauge of what your body can and cannot do. 

Your goal is not to submit your opponent all the time, sometimes you just have to find a way to escape difficult situations. Thus, by slowing down and focusing on the situation allows you to think better and freely. Moreover, do not rush because you can tire out easily. 

Open mats or sparring sessions in BJJ can last around 5 minutes depending on your gym and capacity. Of course, you want to be able to take advantage and max out those minutes to learn and test your skills. 

 2.Focus on your Breathe

Focus on your breathing! Always make it a point to take a full breath in and out whenever possible. 

Even if you are in a tough spot like underneath someone in a North/South position – you must still focus on your breath. 

This is because focusing on your breath allows you to feel calm and lessens tension and anxiety. Therefore, allowing you to focus more on your game and execute your techniques better. 

3. Purposefully Put Yourself in Bad Positions

Purposefully put yourself in bad positions or positions that you are trying to learn – especially against those who are less experienced than you. 

Focus on learning how to survive and escape these positions first and you do just that by putting yourself there on purpose.

Also, this will give you the chance to master escaping these difficult situations. Moreover, you will discover new techniques and possible ways to defend and land in positions you prefer. 

4. Learn Basic Escapes

Know that escaping is a priority in BJJ. You will not be able to position yourself properly if you are unable to escpae a difficult or uncomfortable position. 

Now, as a white belt, focus on finding different ways to escape the controlling positions. This means, you are able to leave side control from underneath, mounts, back control, turtle and others. 

Once you know the basics of escaping these positions, and landing in a dominant one, you can work on your attacks.

5. Learn Guard Retention Basics

Often neglected in mastering, but a highly important skill in Jiu Jitsu is guard retention. As a white belt, you must learn and understand the basics of guard game and retention. 

This way, if your opponent is in the top position, you can give them a hard time passing and trying to submit you. 

Moreover, you can easily plan out a sweep or submission from guard. 

 6. Don’t Let Them Grab Your Head

If your opponent is able to grab your head, know that there will be a lot of openings for them. 

They can move over to a different position or work on different attacks. One of the most crucial if they are able to grab your head when passing or when they are in top or side control is that they can work on choking you. 

Therefore, avoid this position at all cost, or find ways to escape it if necessary. 

7. Break Your Opponent’s Grips Immediately

One of the first things you must do to escape from your opponent and land in a dominant position is to break off their grips immediately. 

This is applicable to both Gi and No Gi BJJ. Moreover, this is something that can be used and applied even in street fights in order to get away from your opponent. 

Once you are able to break the grips, you can work on your escape and land in a dominant position. 

8. Learn One or Two Basic Submissions

There are several submissions that will be taught to you as a white belt. It is best to learn these basics attacks like: 

  • Rear Naked Choke
  • Arm bar 
  • Guillotine
  • Kimura
  • Arm Triangle

You do not necessarily have to master all, but learning at least one or two and finding different variations is highly encouraged and recommended. Moreover, these attacks will be with you as you go along the ranks. This can even be your signature move. 

9. Position Over Submission

If you are new to BJJ, know that the sport highly relies on technique. Now, a brief background about BJJ is that it was designed for small and weaker opponents to take on bigger and stronger ones with the same advantage due to technique. 

Therefore, positioning yourself correctly to begin with gives you the advantage of being able to submit your opponent. 

Thus, always keep in mind that in BJJ, always position yourself correctly, before trying to submit your opponent. 

Lastly, if found in a competition, know that some positions are warranted points.

10. Slowly Ease into Sparring

Do not explode. Just slowly ease into the rolling session at your own pace. Gauge yourself and your rolling partner if this is open mats at your gym. 

This will allow you to think clearly and more calmly. Thus, resulting in you being able to execute your techniques and skills properly. Therefore, gaining you more advantage. 

11. Choose Your Sparring Partners Wisely

Your training partner is not just someone you can take for granted. Therefore, choosing the right person is vital and essential. 

To add to that, your training partner will be your companion in your BJJ journey. They are there to help you to constantly improve and find ways to enhance your skills. 

Furthermore, these people will be there to push you to become better each and every time. 

12. Try to Not Move too Spastically During Sparring

Sometimes, you will panic on the mats if you find yourself in difficult situations. However, keep your composure at all times and try your best not to move spastically. 

The reason behind this is that you will not be able to think clearly and execute your techniques accordingly. Moreover, you might end up hurting your opponent with unwanted strikes (punches or kicks) because of your uncontrolled or drastic movements. 

13. Try to Use the Techniques You Just Learned During Class

You will definitely learn something new during class. Now, since it is still fresh in your mind, we highly encourage you to apply these techniques immediately during sparring. 

Why? Since it is still fresh and you have drilled it a couple of mins/hours ago, then it means that your memory and body remembers it. Therefore, finding ways and opportunities to apply it will allow you to familiarize yourself more. 

14. If You Reach a Domination Position Focus on Controlling It

If you find yourself in a dominant position, focus on controlling it. Make sure that you apply pressure also. Hence, limiting your opponent’s chances of escape. 

Moreover, this will give you the time to think about what you would like to do next. You can either transition to another controlling position or attack your opponent with your BJJ arsenal. 

In addition, if you are able to control a dominant position during a competition, you will be awarded points. 

15. Don’t Be Afraid to Tap Out

Do not be afraid to tap out! One of the first and important things a white belt should learn is when they are supposed to tap out. 

This does not mean you are weak. Tapping out is a way of protecting yourself from having injuries or passing out.

16. Don’t Lie Flat on you Back

You never want to lie flat on your back. Why? Well, if you do this, your opponent has already pinned you. They can transition to a side control or even a mount and attack you. 

Therefore, avoid this at all cost and keep your guard up. This is a way for you to protect yourself and work your way to a dominant or controlling position. 

17. Do Positional Sparring

Aside from traditional rolling or sparring in BJJ, there is something called positional sparring. 

This is when you choose a certain position to start with and work on certain different moves on a fully resisting opponent. Now, the goal is to complete a certain move and restart again by going back to your original position. 

By doing positional sparring, it will give you a different perspective on techniques. You will be able to work on different variations and see different reactions from your training partner or opponent.

18. Don’t Be Afraid to Try New Techniques

What is so great about BJJ is that it is endless learning. There will always be something new to learn and try.

Hence, do not be afraid to try out new techniques that you most likely saw on a video or from someone else during training. 

Allow yourself to explore and find ways on how you can level up your game. 

19. Learn to Be Comfortable in Uncomfortable Positions

Master the ability to thrive in adversity. 

One thing that will always be part of BJJ is being in uncomfortable positions or situations. Do know that there is always a way to counter your opponent’s movements. But first, you must learn how to be comfortable in difficult situations. 

The reason behind this is that you would want to be able to think clearly if the situation arises. Therefore, you will still be able to formulate and execute an escape plan.

20. Don’t Be Upset When Losing to Someone Newer than You

If someone just recently joined your gym and was able to make you tap out or score more points, do not be upset. 

This is something totally not uncommon in BJJ. Even higher belts can sometimes tap out to lower ranks. 

Do know that this does not define you as a BJJ practitioner. Focus more on why you tapped out and how you can avoid that situation or at least find a way to overcome it.

21. Tap on Your Partner (Not the Mat) or Say Tap

Tapping is something that your partner should know about. If you tap on the mat, then there is a high possibility that they may not see it. Therefore, they will still continue with the submission. 

Now, make sure that if you tap, you say it out loud so they can hear, or literally tap their body. Thus, signaling them to actually let go of you already. 

22. Try to Avoid Creating Bad Habits

In the beginning, it’s easy to develop bad habits that can hinder your progress. Focus on learning techniques correctly from the start and be mindful of any potential bad habits. It’s much easier to prevent bad habits from forming than to correct them later on.

In the beginning, you may receive some incorrect feedback from your sparring partners which can lead to bad habits, by training with higher belts as you progress you will learn what does and doesn’t work which leads us to the next tip.

23. Don’t Be Afraid to Roll with Higher Belts

Rolling with more experienced practitioners is an invaluable learning opportunity. Don’t shy away from rolling with higher belts, as this is when you’ll learn the most. They can provide helpful feedback and expose you to advanced techniques. It may not be fun, but these rolls are the ones you will learn the most from.

24. Focus on Skill Instead of Strength, Weight, or Speed

BJJ is a martial art that emphasizes technique over physical attributes. Concentrate on developing your skill set rather than relying solely on strength, weight, or speed. This is how you build a good foundation – you can in strength and speed later.

25. Don’t Be Flat on Your Back

Staying flat on your back makes it easier for your opponent to control you. Always work to maintain an active and dynamic posture, using your hips and angles to create space and opportunities for escapes. By lying on your side and using a concave (rounded shoulders) posture you can be much more active and effective.

Bonus Tips: How to not Make Enemies on your First Day (and instead make friends:

  1. Don’t pick anyone up and slam them.
  2. Don’t try any leg locks or other flashy moves that you may have seen on social media.
  3. Don’t crank on your training partner’s neck during sparring.
  4. Try to move in a controlled manner.
  5. Don’t brag about any technique or submission that you may have hit during sparring.

Frequently Asked Questions:

Is It Okay to Show Up to your First BJJ Experience with no Knowledge or Experience?

Yes, it is totally okay to show up to your first BJJ class without any prior knowledge or experience in Brazilian Jiu Jitsu or any other martial art. Be sure to be clear about your experience with your coaches and don’t feel pressured to spare or drill any technique that you are not comfortable with.