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IBJJF Rashguard Requirements (What’s Legal for No Gi Uniforms?)

IBJJF Rashguard Requirements

Maybe you’re competing in your first IBJJF (International Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Federation) event or maybe you are uncertain if your rashgaurd will be allowed.

In this post we try to breakdown the exact IBJJF rashguard requirements so that you can be sure your rashguard is IBJJF legal for your next event.

A good rule of thumb for understanding the IBJJF rashguard requirements is that your rashguard should have a base color of white or black or black and white and then have at least 10% of it include your belt rank color. It can also be entirely made up of your rank color.

I’ve competed in several ibjjf events and haven’t had any problems by following the above rule. However, for any competition, we always recommend bringing a spare just in case.

Finally, just to confirm the bjj belt ranks are white > blue > purple >brown > black (unfortunately, the IBJJF doesn’t have No Gi events for white belts).

Key Takeaways on IBJJF Rashguard Requirements


  • Again, a good way to think of it is that your rashguard can have white or black or black and white as a base color and then have atleast 10% include your belt rank color
  • They can also, of course, be made up of 100% of the athlete’s belt rank
  • Rashguards can be short or long sleeve, must be skin tight, and cover the torso down to the waistband of your shorts
  • Logos on rashguards can be any color and sometimes occupy a significant portion of the rashguard, though this can be subject to interpretation.
  • For black belt competitors, a small red area on the rashguard is allowed but should not overshadow the rank’s color.
  • Lastly, we recommend avoiding a rashguard with a waistband liner since they may not be compliant with IBJJF standards.
  • If you are still unsure, we recommend emailing the IBJJF directly with a picture of the rashguard for confirmation at: or opening up a ticket here.

Does the IBJJF Allow Spats in Competitions?

No, the IBJJF (International Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Federation) does not allow male competitors to wear spats or leggings in either Gi or No Gi events.

Women, however, are allowed to wear spats or compression pants under their gi pants, but they must not be longer than their gi pants. Additionally, women are also allowed to wear spats for No Gi events.

Finally, for women, spats must be black, white, or a combination of black and white, or the color of their belt rank.

Shorts and Spats

  • Shorts for men do not require the belt color; acceptable colors are black, white, or black and white.
  • Men’s shorts must be without pockets (or have them stitched shut), free of buttons, exposed drawstrings, zippers, or any potentially harmful plastic or metal, and must cover at least halfway down the thigh but not longer than the knee.
  • Women can wear shorts or compression pants (spats) with the same color and safety requirements as men’s gear.
  • For female competitors, compression pants (spats) can cover the entire leg without the need for board shorts on top.
  • All lower body garments must be made of elastic fabric and should not have any pockets, buttons, zippers, or harmful accessories, and drawstrings must not be exposed.

Unfortunately, there is always variability on how strictly the rashguard and no gi rules are enforced (with some officials being more lenient than others) so we always recommend bringing spare apparel.

Polling What Rashguards Athletes Wore for No Gi Worlds 2023

To get some data on what type of rashguards are allowed in IBJJF events, we polled the the 11 No Gi Black Belt Gold Medal Winners from No Gi Worlds 2023 shown below to get a better understanding of what the IBJJF rash guard requiremtns are:

Roberto JimenezStudio 76 Black Rashguard
Everton SousaRoyal Art Rashguard
Junny OcasioPhalanx Black Rashguard
Diego PatoShoyoroll
Lucas ValenteGracie Barra Black Rashguard
Tommy LangakerWulfing Rashguard
Ronaldo JuniorKnoxx Custom Rashguard
Elder CruzMoya Black Rashguard
Javier ZaruskiPrecision Rashguard
Roosevelt SousaFightSports Rashguard
Worn by Junny Ocasio*
Worn by Elder Cruz*

Examples of Rashguards That Are IBJJF Legal

Below we have included some rashguards that are IBJJF legal to give you a better idea:

BrandModelBase Color(s)Rank Color(s) IncludedCheck Price
SanabulEssentials V.2BlackAllAmazon
Gold BJJFoundationN/AAllAmazon
KingzRanked Performance S/SBlackAllAmazon
Shoyoroll2023 SS RANKEDWhiteAllShoyoroll
HyperflySupreme RankedBlackAllHyperfly
Gold BJJ
Future Kimonos

Basically, you can safely assume any rashguard that does not resemble the above pictured rashguards are not IBJJF legal

Examples of Rashguards That Are Not* IBJJF Legal

Next, we have examples rashguards that are not IBJJF legal – these do not meet the requirements as stated by the IBJJF:

  • they do not contain at least 10% of your belt rank color
  • they contain a mix of colors/graphics
93 brand: doesn’t include base color of black/white and doesnt include rank color
Xmartial: doesn’t include rank color
Rolljunkie: doesn’t include rank color

IBJJF No Gi Shorts and Pant Requirements

No Gi shorts and spats requirements for the IBJJF are a bit more straight forward (even though they are a bit more restrictive).

Shorts for men do not require belt color but must be black, white, or a cominbation of black and white and cant contain up to 50% of belt rank color. They must not have any pockets, buttons, zippers, or exposed drawstrings, and they must be atleast halfway down the thigh but no longer than the knee.

Men are not allowed to wears spats but can wear compression shorts underneath their shorts that are black, white, black and white, and/or the color of their belt rank.

Women can wear shorts or compression pants (spats) while following the same rules. Spats can cover their entire leg and do not need to be covered by board shorts. Men are not allowed to wear spats

Summing Up IBJJF Rashguard Rules

I know the rules set forth by the IBJJF can often be vauge or may even seem to be misleading. However, I hope this post has helped better explain what rashguards are allowed or not allowed for their No Gi event.

Remember, the key is to choose a rashguard with a base color of white or black or black and white and ensure that at least 10% of it reflects your belt rank color.

If there are any last tips I can give are that:

  • always feel free to email them direclty to confirm (they are actually quite responsive)
  • always bring a spare rashguard just in case

Best of luck in your next IBJJF event – Zack